Promising, but falls a little short
Looks great and very promising, but many small frustrations. Documentation and support are either nonexistant or obscured. Consistently ran into small things that I wished I could tweak, especially regarding date ranges. I don’t ding them much for this - I get the need to trade off utility for user control, but it’s maybe swung a little too fat. Also encountered a bit of interface roughness. Simple things rangign from a crash losing my first project to badly tangling dependency lines to the fact that when you use the keyboard to create a new item, the name is not selected, so you need to go click on it to name it. Small things, but they reveal it to be a little rough around the edges.
But for all that, i really like what this *can* do, and with a little more polish, this could easily move from a curiosity to a permanent addition to my toolkit.
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